About the ALMA

  • Purpose
    The Alisal Labor Management Accord (ALMA) Team, comprised of District Staff, focuses on collaboration and communication by all stakeholders to create a culture of “we” that will teach the whole child and close the achievement gap for our students. The ALMA Team will model and support a culture of collaboration where all stakeholders are a part of supporting AUSD initiatives that will lead to continuous improvement in our district as a system.
    • Focus on creating a school system rather than a system of schools
    • Build a system-wide capacity focused on listening and learning together -- a culture of “we”
    • Increase student achievement through empowerment and support of School Leadership Teams
    • Using agreed upon data, identifies and diagnoses needs and targeted supports; then monitors the progress of the supports to empower students through learning
    • Communicates results of system wide accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities for improvement with internal and external communities in the learning system
    Approximately 50% of the ALMA District Learning Team is comprised of labor and 50% of management and includes the following:
    • Representative from school and district community (teachers, paraeducators, maintenance, etc.)
    • AUSD Board Members
    • AUSD Superintendent
    • AUSD Associate Superintendents
    • ATA Leadership
    • CSEA Leadership
    • AUSD Directors
    • AUSD Principals