• Photo of Creekside Principal

    William Franzell

    Principal, Creekside Elementary School

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    1770 Kittery Street • Salinas, CA 93906
    (831) 753-5252 • FAX (831) 753-5256

  • Message from our Administrative Team

    Welcome to Creekside Elementary School, 

    We believe all children deserve a safe, positive learning environment where they are challenged, supported, and valued for their individuality, language, and culture, so they become lifelong learners and positive contributors to our future.

    Creekside staff is dedicated to a positive teaching & learning experience that promotes academic achievement, lifelong learning, and leadership skills to ensure our children become successful and productive community members. Through support, care, curiosity, and imagination, we provide a strong foundation for developing critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, character, problem-solving, social-emotional skills, and empathy, with an emphasis on continuous growth. 

    We invite you to become involved with our school community. There are many ways for our parents/families to be empowered at Creekside Elementary. Our parents/guardians can become part of our School Site Council, the school’s District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC/ELAC), and/or the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).  Parental involvement is vital and an essential process for our school to thrive! 

    We hope you visit us soon. Go Cougars! #CreeksideStrong #AlisalStrong 


    Secure Campus Policy

    For the safety and security of all students and staff, all gates will remain locked during school hours. The school campus will be closed to all visitors. The only entrance to our school campus will be the main office. Once students are dropped off in the mornings, they will be required to be inside the school campus. Our school uniform and district dress code policy will be followed at all times. Face masks are optional until further notice. 


    Attendance and Punctuality

    In order to promote continuous academic growth, students need to attend school every day possible.  Please try to schedule non-emergency medical and other appointments after school or on the weekends.  Students who are ill should stay home.  All student absences must be excused with the Attendance Clerk immediately by specifying the reason, date, and a doctor’s note may be required after the 3rd consecutive day absent. Students arriving after 8:15 am to school/class will be marked tardy.  Late-arriving students disrupt the classroom routines; in the State of California, three tardies constitute truancy.  Please bring your child/dren to school on time every day. 


    Emergency Contacts

    Each child must have an emergency contact on file with current information.  Having current phone numbers of where you or another responsible relative can be reached is essential.  If a number changes, please let us know immediately. 



    Parents and guardians are also requested to arrange with their children a designated meeting place away from the heavy traffic if possible.  If you plan to pick your child up more than a few minutes after dismissal, you might consider picking up your children in front of the school office.  This is the only supervised area. Dismissal time will be at 2:40 P.M. On Wednesdays, the dismissal time is at 1:40 P.M. Please plan accordingly. 


    Students will be dismissed through different gates: Gate by the portables: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades; Main gate: SDC, 1st, 2nd, and 6th grades; and for Transitional Kinder and Kinder: A group will be dismissed by the gate next to the TK/Kinder classrooms, and for Group B all parents or guardians will go directly to their students’ classrooms going through the gate next to the TK/K classrooms. TK/Kinder Pick-Up passes must be shown at all times and students must be signed out.


    Traffic Safety

    Traffic congestion at entry and dismissal is a perennial problem.  Please keep safety utmost in your thoughts at this time and remember the following: (1) double parking is illegal and unsafe, (2) dropping off or picking up students in the teacher designated parking lot is unsafe (3) the intersection of Beacon Hill Drive and Kittery Street is especially busy and not the best place to pick up children (please come to a complete stop there, and obey the crossing guard). (4) remind your children to cross only at designated crosswalks after looking in all directions. If someone other than yourself picks up your children, please remind them of these safety rules, especially if the driver is an older sibling. Please avoid speeding at all times. 


    Medicines and Health

    School/district personnel may administer prescription medications, but only under the following conditions:  (1) the medicine is brought to the office by an adult; (2) it must be accompanied by a physician’s written instructions and be contained in a properly identified and dated pharmaceutical container with dosage and frequency clearly labeled.  Forms to obtain a physician’s signature are available in the front office. Non-prescription medicines, such as aspirin, throat lozenges, cough syrup, etc. are not permitted.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.


    Students returning to school following serious or prolonged illnesses, injuries, broken bones, surgery, or with crutches or stitches must present a written statement from their doctor indicating permission to return to school and any recommendations regarding physical activity.  All students with crutches, casts, stitches, etc. will spend their break time and lunch period in a safe zone or in the office.  Again, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.


    Birthday Parties

    We all love birthdays, but given our focus on quality education and remembering that school is where that focus begins, this year there are no birthday parties allowed at school. The District’s Wellness Policy states that schools should encourage parents to pack healthy snacks and lunches and to refrain from including foods that do not meet the district nutrition standards. Donuts, cupcakes, chips, and sodas certainly do not meet that standard. In addition, too much instructional time is missed when parents bring birthday treats. We appreciate your understanding, and please do not bring any type of birthday treats to school, whether through the office or directly carried and brought by your students.


    Student Handbook

    All policies will be fully enforced. Please be mindful and we seek your support on the following:

    1. The dress code policy will be followed at all times.

    2. Red and blue clothing is not permitted. No exceptions.

    3. Uniform policy will resume this school year. Our colors are: beige (khaki), white, purple, green, black, and gray.

    4. Cell phone use is prohibited on campus.

    5. Unhealthy food should not be brought to school. Chips and sugary drinks will be confiscated.

    6. We have a ZERO tolerance policy against bullying/ cyber bullying.


    Please take the time to review all the guidelines in the AUSD Student Handbook. The handbook can be found in the following link: https://www.alisal.org/Page/3169. A hard copy will be provided within the school year.



  • Christina Mendoza mug

    Christina Mendoza, M.A. Ed

    Assistant Principal, Creekside Elementary School

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    Maria Diaz-Mendoza

    Secretary, Creekside Elementary School

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    Sandra B. Sanchez

    Clerk V, Creekside Elementary School

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    Eric Cabrera

    Clerk V, Creekside Elementary School

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