Jacqueline, Jeannette and Julie Mejia Cardona — Cultivated in Alisal
"We came back to show people they were wrong, and that’s why we want to advocate for our students."
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Luis xago Juarez — Cultivated in Alisal
"The power of homegrown theater can unpack the messy and the beautiful and allow us to recognize our value as residents"
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Miriam Lopez-Ramirez — Cultivated in Alisal
"It was magical, even if you were in 6th grade, you liked being there.”
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Maricela Cruz — Cultivated in Alisal
"I’m proud to be from here. I want this place to be seen as a good place to visit and to shop."
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Jonathan Rome — Cultivated in Alisal
"I’m able to speak Spanish and able to speak about culture. I owe that to (the fact) that I come from here.”
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Adela Hernández — Cultivated in Alisal
"Sometimes the parents come here and need someone to heart them out and help them."
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María Aguilar — Cultivated in Alisal
“I'm humbled to be here, I 'm happy to be contributing back to my community,”
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Jackie Moser — Cultivated in Alisal
"To me, she represents a bygone era of what a professional should be like.” — Laura Sánchez
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Susanne Contreras — Cultivated in Alisal
"I believe in keeping an open door policy because so many kids are in need"
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Sharon Nichols — Cultivated in Alisal
"Our students are getting help from what I learn and they’re getting that extra bit of love."
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Max Estrada — Cultivated in Alisal
"It's possible to create positive change through whole student support"
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Roberto Rodríguez-Flores — Cultivated in Alisal
"It’s great when you go outside and the kids call your name, it makes your day."
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Patti Crawford — Cultivated in Alisal
“If you can give back to your community, you feel you’ve completed something in life.”
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Rosendo Corralez — Cultivated in Alisal
Students "remind me of when I was breaking these and seeing how far you could go.”
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Sarai Ramirez — Cultivated in Alisal
"This is where I was cultivated and this is where I want to make a difference."
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